Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Kelly and Terry's wedding ~ July 17, 2010

Here are a few pictures from my little sister Kelly's wedding. She got married on July 17, 2010. It was a nice wedding and fun day! Her church (St. John's) was beautiful, but hot. I made it through with no problem. Although Kelly was a bit hot in her beautiful, princess bridal dress. Then on for some pictures at a rose garden (below). It was hot outside in the July summer heat. It was a much needed relief to go back to the hotel suite to relax a bit before the reception. What a fun evening! Congratulations Kelly and Terry!!

Here I am at about 25 weeks pregnant. I am so glad the dress fit. We ordered a larger size, non-maternity bridesmaid dress back in March. My sister's thought it would be too big, but it actually ended up needing to be taken out a bit in the belly. Good thing I ordered it larger!!

Picture with my older sister Amy and my nephew (her son) David, sneaking in and making funny face.

With my sister again and my niece (her daughter) Emily. Really hot outside in the sun so we were seeking refuge in the shade and staying hydrated while waiting for the happy couple to take some pics.

Here is a picture of the wedding party. My sister Kelly and Terry in the middle, with me and Emily on the left and best man Mark and my nephew David to the right. Kelly looked so beautiful!!

Picture with me an Emily.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Pregnancy Progession -- 1st & 2nd Trimester


We took our 1st pregnancy test on 3/2/10, after I was about 1 week late. We were a bit confused because it had a really faint 2nd line, but we learned about hCG detection and even a faint line = positive. We were in disbelief, but very excited non-the-less.

Around week 6 on 3/8/10. Felt a little fatigued, getting up around 2am to use the bathroom, and took a few naps that week. Also feeling really hungry and craving salty and sweet foods. Ah hormones...what fun! Luckily I ran a 5K on 3/18 for St. Patrick's Day to make up for all the binging lately.

Still a bit unsure about the pregnancy and we bought a package of two tests, so we decided to take another one on March 21, 2010. Again tested positive, but this time the line was definitely darker. Top test in picture is our 1st test on 3/2 and the bottom is the 2nd test on 3/21.

March 24 and about 9 weeks pregnant. Sleep is getting better. Well still getting up to go to the bathroom, but not staying awake and experiencing insomnia. Seemed to adjust to pregnancy and not really feeling fatigued or napping anymore. Also no morning sickness or nausea, which is such a relief!

Week 10. April Fool's Day! 1st Ob appointment this week and found out we are few days further along than calculated. We thought the due date was 11/4/10, but informed our expected due date is October 30, 2010. Looks like a Halloween baby! We'll see when our little pumpkin decides to make an appearance. It was amazing to hear baby's heartbeat for the very 1st time!

Week 11. April 8, 2010

Week 12. April 16, 2010. Still feeling pretty good. Had a little heartburn and backaches this week. Also, gave in to napping a few times. Made it to the end of the first trimester and decided to go public with the news. Before this I had only told family and a few close friends.

On April 20, 2010 (~ week 12) we went to Women and Infant's Hospital to have some testing and got some really nice 3D images of the baby. It was amazing to see the organs and brain developing, 5 fingers, and ears. So precious! Listening to our baby's strong heartbeat never gets old.

Week 13. April 26, 2010. Starting the 2nd trimester and feeling good. Slight heartburn, but probably due to giving in to all my cravings (e.g., anything spicy, cheesy potato cassarole, pickles). John has been amazing at taking care of me and preparing all my meals. He is so good about taking special requests and learning how to make new meals.

Week 14. May 1, 2010. This week we went to Albany, NY for my little sister Kelly's bridal shower. Everyone had a great time and very excited about the upcoming wedding.

Week 15. May 4, 2010. John's parents came for a visit this week. Starting to notice that pants are tighter. I ordered my first pair of maternity pants and have been wearing a belly band with normal dress pants unbuttoned to work. Also, started to feel a bit of lower back pain.

Week 16. May 12, 2010. We went to Albany over the weekend for my nephew and God child's first communion. Everything is going well with the pregnancy. Had another OB appointment and got to hear the heartbeat. It sounds like galloping horses. So cool!

Week 17. May 24, 2010. I am feeling even more bloated these days and worried I am starting to show, so I decided to share the news with my work. Everyone is very supportive of the pregnancy. The shirt I am wearing in this picture is actually a maternity shirt that was lent to me by a co-worker. She was gracious enough to lend me a bunch of work cloths.

Week 19. June 3, 2010. Well, definitely starting to show a bit now. As you can see, pretty pudgy these days and I am wearing John's sweat pants around the house. I was busy this week preparing for my trip to San Antonio, TX for the sleep conference, finishing a poster presentation. In addition, I had to put the finishing touches on formatting my dissertation (with John's huge assistance) in preparation for filing my dissertation.

Week 20. June 10, 2010. Went to San Antonio, TX and really began to feel physical symptoms and was sick at times. I had to take it easy and rest more than I would have liked due to extreme heat, a little sleep deprivation, and possible dehydration. Yuck! Summer heat is definitely not fun during pregnancy. Then on to San Diego with my parents; and met John, his parents, and Aunt Ruthie to attend my graduation and spend a week vacationing in a house overlooking the ocean in La Jolla.

June 12, 2010. Day of commencement at University of California, San Diego (UCSD). I graduated!!! Hurray! It was a long road coming and John was there every step of the way. From traveling cross country with me to move to San Diego (and proposing along the way), proof reading countless manuscripts, helping me format my dissertation, attending my defense to moving back cross country again to Providence, RI so I could attend internship. It has been quite a journey! I love this picture because it depicts how far we've come and a new journey that is about to begin...moving cross country again to San Francisco, starting post doc, and our first baby this fall. I am so grateful for all I have in my life!

Week 21. June 17, 2010. Really starting to pop now! It has become really noticeable to others. Especially since my co-workers and friends have not seen me in about 10 days during my trip. Sleeping is becoming more uncomfortable now even sleeping on sides. Only about 2 weeks left of internship and time to get serious about packing our belongings in preparation for the move at the end of June. It has been really warm in RI and makes it uncomfortable and hard to get things done at home (since we sold our air conditioner and fan in a yard sale).

Week 22. June 28, 2010. Growing bigger everyday! John's parents came for a visit and helped us pack this week. Our friend Michael came for a visit with his 3 yo son Morgan and to my surprise he pulled up my shirt when I told him there was a baby in my tummy. It was so cute to see the awe and wonder in his face. I was also excited to go shopping and to get some much needed maternity summer clothes. Feeling a bit more discomfort in my belly and back. I feel my stomach muscles stretching, causing some discomfort. Also, felt the baby move for the 1st time! I was laying down and the baby was kicking up a storm. Felt like little flutters. You could actually see my stomach move. John got to feel it too the very first time I felt it. So special!

Week 24. July 7, 2010. Have been very busy finishing internship, saying goodbye to friends in RI, and packing stuff for movers/storage. My parents came for a couple of days to deliver a crib my older sister was giving us and deliver some stuff to my little sister we wanted to give her. We moved out on 6/30 and I also had my final OB appointment in RI that day. We spent the 4th of July weekend with our friends Michael & Missy and thier son Morgan. Then we drove to Albany, NY to see my sisters for one night and attend a dress fitting for Kelly's wedding. I can't believe I actually fit in the larger size dress I ordered a few months back. I am so glad I decided to go for a larger size just in case! On 7/6 we drove to Rochester to spend July at my parents house just relaxing and taking it easy. It has been so hot! I am glad they have central air and a pool. Looking forward to Kelly & Terry's wedding in 10 days.
To be continued...

Welcome to our blog!

We (John and Sara) decided to start a blog since we are moving to the bay area and will be so far from family. We hope to continue to post throughout the pregnancy and after the baby is born.

First, a little update...

I just recently finished internship at Brown University in Providence, RI. On June 29 we packed and moved all our belongings to storage and became nomads living on the road, relying on family, and out of suitcases for the next 1.5 months. We are currently staying with my parents in Rochester, NY until August.